Changes will be made to the Shock journal to streamline the review process and allow easier submission of manuscripts. Here are four changes that will be implemented, please check the Shock journal website for up-to-date information:
- SIMple Submit (SIMS).
A simple submission process will be instituted. The initial submission will consist of only two steps and two files: One file with the text and a second with the figures. Revised or accepted manuscripts will require the full submission process.
- Reorganization of the editorial board.
The editorial board has been streamlined to allow more efficient operations. The new editorial board will consist of the Editor-in-Chief (EIC), Daniel Remick, M.D. and four Deputy Editors (DE). Dr. Chaudry will continue as the EIC Emeritus. The previous editorial positions will be eliminated. All manuscripts will be managed by the EIC or one of the DEs. We recruited outstanding scientists to serve as Deputy Editors who will assume their positions January 1, 2022.
Marc Jeschke, MD PhD |
Past President, Shock Society, Member Editorial Board |
Basilia Zingarelli, MD PhD |
Past President, Shock Society, Member Editorial Board |
Stefanie Flohé, PhD |
Member Editor in Chief search committee, Assoc Editor Mediators of Inflammation. |
Yong-ming Yao, MD PhD |
Professor of Surgery, editorial experience with 8 journals, President International Federation of Shock Societies. |
- Rejection by the editors.
Manuscripts which do not meet the high standards of our journal will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or a Deputy Editor and may be rejected without sending to reviewers. This will decrease the time manuscripts spend in review and significantly reduce reviewer burden.
- Manuscript submission fee - $75
A $75 manuscript submission fee will be charged for the initial submission of the manuscript. This fee will be automatically waived if the corresponding author is a member of the Shock Society. The fee will also be waived if the corresponding author is from a low or middle income country as defined by Research4Life (category A or B)
Daniel Remick, M.D.
Department of Pathology & Lab Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine
Shock Editor-in-Chief