Shock Society Mentoring Award

Mentoring Award

The Shock Society Mentoring Award will honor a member of the Shock Society for excellence in mentoring trainees and junior faculty.  This award will be given to an individual who has had a significant impact as a mentor in promoting professional development and career advancement of the next generation of basic scientists and/or clinician-scientists in the broad field of Shock research.  Nominations for the Award will be solicited annually from the membership. Members will submit nominations to the Mentoring Committee along with the nominee’s C.V. and nomination package. The award will be presented at the Shock Society Annual Meeting in the same year.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. A member in good standing of the Shock Society who has demonstrated a significant commitment to mentoring trainees and junior faculty in Shock research.
  2. The candidate must be nominated by a Shock Society member.
  3. The nomination letter should contain a description of the nominee’s mentoring skills as well as the impact of mentoring on professional development and career advancement of trainees in the field of Shock research.
  4. A list of current and former trainees (graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical residents, fellows, and junior faculty), dates of training, current positions, and whether they were Shock Society members.
  5. Current CV of the Nominee
  6. Support letters (2-4 letters). At least 2 of the letters should be from former trainees.
  7. Self-nominations will not be accepted.

Submission: The nomination package should be sent (preferred as a single pdf file) to [email protected], Subject: Mentoring Award, no later than Monday, March 10, 2025.
The award will be presented at the 48th Annual Conference on Shock, May 31 – June 3, 2025, in Boston, Massachusetts.